Administrative information
Administrative course information is available here
The github organization for this course is:
We use the mailing list to send important information. PS: archived list mails are also located at the list site.
We also have a Slack team uit-inf-2201-s18.
We will use the following rooms:
- Mondays, 10:15-14:00, TEO-H1 1.241
- Tuesdays, 10:15-12:00, Lille Aud (REALF B203)
- Wednesdays, 14:15-16:00, TEKNOBYGGET 1.023AUD
- Thursdays, 12:15-14:00, Store Aud (REALF B302)
- Fridays, 12:15-18:00, TEO-H1 1.241
Refer to the lecture and mandatory assignment plan, and e-mails, for which room is used when.
- Lars Ailo Bongo (, A257)
- Tore Brox-Larsen (, A254)
- Lukasz Sergiusz Michalik (, A252)
- Nikolai Magnussen (, A145)
- Isak Sunde Singh (, A148)
- Ingeborg Ytrehus (, A145)
Lecture plan (will be updated)
Lecture | Date | Subject | Readings | Lecturer |
L1 | 11.01.18 | Introduction | MOS 1.1 - 1.3 | Lars Ailo |
L2 | 16.01.18 | IA32 OS Support (slides in Fronter) and Protection (slides in Fronter) | MOS 1.4 - 1.5 | Tore |
L3 | 18.01.18 | OS Structure (slides in Fronter) | MOS 1.6 - 1.7; 12 | Tore |
L4 | 23.01.18 | Processes, Non-Preemtive Scheduling (slides in Fronter) | MOS 2.1, 2.2 | Tore |
L5 | 25.01.18 | Threads, Critical Sections | MOS 2.4 - 2.5 (slides in Fronter) | Tore |
L6 | - | Preemtive Scheduling, Mutual Exclusion (slides in Fronter) | MOS 2.2 - 2.3.6 | Tore |
L7 | - | Semaphores (slides in Fronter) | MOS 2.5 | Tore |
L8 | - | Monitors (slides in Fronter) | MOS 2.3.4 - 2.3.7 | Tore |
L9 | - | Thread Packages (slides in Fronter) | MOS 2.2 | Tore |
L10 | - | Message passing (slides in Fronter) | MOS 2.3.8 | Tore |
L11 | - | I/O Devices and Drivers (slides in Fronter) | MOS 5 | Tore |
L12 | - | Adress Translation, Paging (slides in Fronter) | MOS 3.1 - 3.3, 3.7 | Tore |
L13 | 22.03.18 | Paging and VM Design | MOS 3.4 | Lars Ailo |
L14 | 05.04.18 | Paging and VM Design (continued) | MOS 3.5 - 3.9 | Lars Ailo |
L15, L16 | 10.04.18 | CPU Scheduling and Deadlocks (no slides) | MOS 2.4, 6 | Lars Ailo |
L17 | 12.04.18 | Storage systems | MOS 5.4 | Lars Ailo |
L18 | 17.04.18 | File Systems I | MOS 4.1 - 4.6 | Lars Ailo |
L19 | 19.04.18 | File Systems (continued) | MOS 4.1 - 4.6 | Lars Ailo |
L20 | 26.04.18 | Virtual Machines and Containers | MOS 7 | Lars Ailo |
L21 | TBD | Security | MOS 9 | Nikolai |
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, 4th Ed., Pearson Educational Limited, 2015. ISBN 10: 1-292-06142-1. Chapters: 1-7, 12.
Suggested additional readings:
- Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces. Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau.
Mandatory assignments
Note! The UiT rules regarding cheating on exams “Kildebruk, plagiering og fusk på eksamen” (in Norwegian only) applies for all projects.
Note that we do not make these assignments publicly available.
Project | Precepts | Design review | Due | Subject |
P1 | 17.01.18 | 24.01.18 | 31.01.18 | Boot-up mechanism |
P2 | 31.01.18 | 07.02.18 | 21.02.18 | Non-preemptive scheduling |
P3 | 21.02.18 | 28.02.18 | 07.03.18 | Preemptive scheduling |
P4 | 07.03.18 | 14.03.18 | 04.04.18 | IPC and process management |
P5 | 04.04.18 | 11.04.18 | 25.04.18 | Virtual memory |
P6 | 25.04.17 | 02.05.18 | 23.05.18 | File system |